Monday, June 11, 2012


Creating your own website has many difficulties involved, from learning the languages aspect to the visuals aspect.

The some troubles with learning the languages, is learning what is/isn't possible.

An example of what isn't possible is having a background image that has a gradient that isn't linear or radial. The background image I am using is shown a little above, it has a gradient up at the top, and well as downward. I also learned that it is almost impossible to have an image that will cover everything on the screen, which helped when creating the background, I created a background that was large enough to cover most displays, and added a background color to help it seem seamless.

Another example of what isn't possible allowing for transparency in a gradient without having the font transparent. Above is my navigation bar, the middle has a gradient that has no opacity as the ends of the screen are reached. I found that positioning text to be vertically centered with an image next to it, extremely difficult. Which is why, the logo includes the description as-well. The navigation on the right also proved to be challenging. 

When trying to position fonts it was a lot of trial and error, the whole navigation was reworked multiple times to see what was able to be accomplished.

Another trouble is how and what elements should I apply to my website. What would make the website flow better. Building the website by coding is taking a lot of time, but trying to figure out what I need to be on it, is really the hardest part. How do I fill the space? I think that the Home page will be the hardest to create, as it is the one that draws the most attention, and doesn't have a true set purpose like the menu bar shows. It is the 'Home', the beginning of the website.

1 comment:

  1. I'm not sure if this is helpful, but one of my former students seemed to master the gradient. He is nice and accessible as well if you want to email him for advice )or you can check out his code). Don't forget to credit him in your code.
